Now hiring!

5. November 2021 /

Open Ph.D. and PostDoc Positions (TVL-E13/100 %) in Microelectronics and Quantum Technologies at the University of Stuttgart

The Institute of Smart Sensors at the University of Stuttgart is looking for researchers holding a Master’s degree (or  equivalent) who are interested in pursuing research towards a Ph.D. degree as part of one of the following projects:

  • Integrated transceivers for diamond-based quantum sensing
  • Integrated transceivers for SIC-based quantum sensing
  • Integrated transceivers for quantum sensors in biomedical applications
  • Integrated transceivers for in-situ EPR spectrometers
  • Integrated millimeter-wave EPR transceivers

In addition to the above-listed projects, the Institute of Smart Sensors is continuously looking for excellent Ph.D. students and PostDocs in a variety of other topics and encourages candidates to apply.


Ihre Ansprechpartner

Dieses Bild zeigt Jens Anders

Jens Anders

Prof. Dr.


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