Prof. Martin B. Plenio
Curriculum vitae
Martin B Plenio is Director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Ulm University and founding Director of the newly established Center of Quantum BioSciences. He received his Diploma (1992) and PhD (1994) in Physics at Göttingen University. In 1995 he became Fedor-Lynen Fellow in the group of Prof. Sir Peter Knight at Imperial College London. In 1998 he received his first faculty appointment (Lecturer) at Imperial College and in 2003 rose to Full Professor there. In 2009 he took up an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship to move to Ulm University. His work covers a broad range of topics, including quantum information science, quantum effects in biological systems, quantum optics, and quantum technologies and has led him to co-found NVision Imaging Technologies. Recent recognitions of his work include an ERC Synergy grant, the award of Research Building & Center for Quantum-BioSciences and his listing as a Highly Cited Researcher.
As the theoretical physicist in the Nanospin consortium he is responsible for the design of polarisation sequences, signal processing methods as well as the design and analysis of experiments.
Jens Anders
Prof. Dr.Institute Director