Field lines of a plate capacitor computed using boundary element method along with an innovative meshfree post-processing approach

Finite Element Methods

Lecture with exercise

Finite Element Methods


Finite element methods are standard tools for the solution of partial differential equations, for instance, Maxwell’s equations. They enable deep insight into a physical problem and therefore support knowledge gain similar to analytical methods or experiments.

Here, the fundamentals of two established finite element methods are discussed, namely the finite element method (FEM) and the boundary element method (BEM). This includes basic numerical approaches for numerical integration or the solution of linear systems of equations.

Introduction to the course "Finite Element Methods"


Lecture with exercise

The lecture with exercise is given by Dr. Buchau, who has more than 20 years of scientific experience in finite element methods. The format of this lecture with exercise is flipped classroom. Lectures and tutorials are recorded in advance and uploaded in ILIAS for self-study. In the lecture part, the theoretical background of numerical methods is presented and discussed. Of course, the focus is on the application of numerical methods to the solution of field problems as they are relevant in everyday engineering. Therefore, a lot of examples using the commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics are studied along with the fundamentals of underlying numerical methods and numerical formulations. At the listed times in C@mpus, the online materials are discussed in detail and student’s questions arising during self-study will be answered.

The exercise part is at the computer using COMSOL Multiphysics and MATLAB. Individual accounts to our servers are created to enable access to these simulation tools for the exercises in the lab and self-study. Hence, students learn to apply numerical field computations as an important engineering tool and see immediately the properties of numerical methods. The exercises will take place in our computer lab and students can discuss their models and solutions in small groups and with their lecturer.

Finally, the discussion of real problems with other students or the lecturer helps to understand the theoretical background and prepares for future work at an institute or in industry.

Please, check the room of the lecture and the exercise in C@mpus. Lectures will take place in the institute’s seminar room and exercises in the computer lab. The room for the next meeting is announced in the lectures and exercises, too.

COMSOL Multiphysics
Discretized model of a magnetic circuit using the finite element method in COMSOL Multiphysics


  • Module description, detailed content of lecture with exercise, schedule, and registration in C@mpus
  • Lecture notes in ILIAS
  • Date of oral exam by appointment in ILIAS


This image shows André Buchau

André Buchau


Deputy Director, Group Leader "Multiphysics problems"

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