Aldrik Velders

Wageningen University

Prof. Dr. Aldrik Velders

Curriculum vitae

Aldrik Velders studied chemistry in The Netherlands where he received his master’s degree from Utrecht University and his PhD degree from Leiden University (2000). He spent his post-doc years in Florence (Italy) at the Centre for Magnetic Resonance, from the University of Florence, and at Molteni Farmaceutici. Back in The Netherlands, from 2004-2012 he was assistant and associate professor of Supramolecular Chemistry & Technology at the University of Twente and director of the NMR & MS facilities. In 2012 he became full professor at Wageningen University where he founded the chair of BioNanoTechnology and where he is director of the MAGNEtic resonance research FacilitY - MAGNEFY.

His research interests range from the design of hierarchically built-up nanoparticle systems, for materials and biomedical applications, to developing Magnetic Resonance techniques in microfluidics and nanotechnology.   

Within the Nanospin consortium, Aldrik is the chemist and spectroscopist responsible for implementing the hyperpolarization devices into home-built probe heads and commercial NMR spectrometers.


This image shows Jens Anders

Jens Anders

Prof. Dr.

Institute Director

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